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The code base of the robot consists of multiple packages, which are organized within separate repositories to keep the system as modular as possible. Under Repository overview you can find a list of repositories with a short function description.


The framework is currently implemented under Ubuntu 16.04 (ROS Kinetic) and Ubuntu 18.04 (ROS Melodic). Therefore, to use the packages the following prerequisites must be met:

General installation instructions

If not further specified the dependencies can be installed via wstool and rosdep. From the workspace’s root folder (e.g. ~/cmr_ws) run:

wstool init src

Clone the repository

git clone[REPO_NAME].git src/[REPO_NAME]

Where you replace [REPO_NAME] with the specific repository. Merge the rosinstall file and fetch code for dependencies

wstool merge -t src src/[REPO_NAME]/[ROSINSTALL_NAME].rosinstall
wstool update -t src

Download binary dependencies for all new packages

rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

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