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Sobi-Header Image copyright: Marie Luise Kolb

Welcome to Sobi’s Documentation!

Sobi is a mobile social service robot that is being developed at the Leibniz University Hannover by the Institute for Mechatronic Systems. The robot was designed for use on the Campus Maschinenbau which is the Campus of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Leibniz University. The robot’s purpose is to provide information about the campus and to guide visitors to interesting places.

Therefore Sobi was developed for long-term autonomous operation. The built-in sensors allow fully autonomous operation inside and partially autonomous operation outside buildings on campus. Since the project to develop Sobi started in 2018 and the robot has been designed and constructed from then on, it is continuously being further improved.

The entire project, i.e. the hardware and software design of the robot, is open source and all components can be freely used. This documentation therefore contains both documentation on the hardware components, such as CAD files, circuit diagrams and parts lists, as well as descriptions of the software and algorithms.




If you use parts of this project for your research, please cite the following publication:

Sobi: An Interactive Social Service Robot for Long-Term Autonomy in Open Environments
Stuede, M., Westermann, K., Schappler, M., Spindeldreier, S.
10th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) 2021


Marvin Stüde Email: Papers: Google Scholar